Take An Extra Step To Protect Your Colored Hair!
Coloring your hair is the new fashion trend. Everyone wants to color their hair with bright red patches or burgundies or different shades of browns. They want to highlight some strands of hair so that they look fashionable on them. But what about the care that one needs to take of a colored or dyed hair? Everyday pollution damages natural hair and its strength. In addition to that, if one has a colored hair, they need to take more care of it.
One can buy professional hair color online where many shades are available. But before buying, one needs to know the basics about hair colors. Every hair color has ammonia, no matter how expensive or good quality it is. This is because ammonia is a bleaching agent which helps to absorb color fast and it can leave your hair dry and frizzy. That is why colored hair needs extra attention and care.
Check before you go all colorful
- The first thing that one should check before coloring is the shade that they choose to color their hair. If you are doing it on a salon, ask the expert and if you are doing it at home then play safe. This is because the color that appears on the box is not the same as it appears on your hair. If it backfires, you are doomed for at least 6 months. It is always safe to go for darker shades like browns and reds instead of blonds.
- It is better to go for semi permanent hair color. It goes down with around 30 washes and one gets back their natural hair colors. If you go for permanent hair color, then you may get bored of your hair color as it does not go away for a long time.
- Before coloring your hair, go for a deep conditioning treatment to make your color last long. One can also go for hair conditioning spas and treatments, which make their hair soft and shiny and the hair color adjusts on it perfectly.
- After the hair color is done, one should take some extra care of their hair. You can always go for a homemade pack once in a week, which will provide deep conditioning to the hair. Mix banana, egg and yogurt in equal quantities and apply it to your hair leaving it for an hour. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo to get smooth and silky hair in return.
- Before coloring your hair, do not shampoo it for at least 2 days. This will help the natural oil to secrete from the scalp and will help the color to set in fast. Also, this natural oil will protect the hair roots from the severe damage done by coloring. Trim your hair before coloring because split ends does not look good on a fashionable colored hair.
Go for hair color online shopping and choose from the large varieties of colors available. Pick the one which suits your skin tone and looks good on you.