How To Get Canadian Visitor’s Visa

Each and every year, approx. 35 million people come to visit Canada. Travel, leisure, and other various purposes are there for applying for this visitors’ visa. Irrespective of the reasons, the visitors need proper documentation to take an entry into Canada.

To get visitors’ visa of Canada, one must qualify and fulfill the following criteria:

  • Assure the Government officials that the visitor will leave Canada at the end of stay.
  • Must show enough money the person has to maintain own-self and family in Canada and after returning home as well.
  • Without taking permission from the authority, the person does not have the authorization to do job or study in Canada.
  • The visitor should not have any criminal record and has to be a law-abiding  person.
  • The visitor should not be a risk to the security of Canada later on.
  • The visitor needs to provide additional documents as requested by the Government official to establish the admissibility.
  • The person should be in good health condition and if required, needs to go through the medical examinations.

Visitors’ visa from India

Getting the Canadian visitor’s visa or temporary resident visa (TRV) has become difficult nowadays than earlier times.

To apply for Canadian visitor visa, a person has to follow necessary rules and go through the below steps:

Often, the visitors don’t abide by the laws and take disadvantage of the facilities. They often try to stay long even after the end of their stay. In this scenario, the Government authorities have to take stringent actions and follow some rules to restrict such illegal activities. The immigration officer securitizes the applications and necessary supporting documents pertinent to the visitor.

Above all these things, the visitor has to convince home country officer by showing sufficient ties that after the end of the stay, the person will come to back to the country.

The visitor has to show the supporting document for the temporary stay in Canada to the immigrant officer. It’s very important to remember that the officer can assess the visitor’s intent as he wants to stay for a temporary time. It is important that the person has to show the family bonding and the necessity for coming back to home during the time of immigration interview.

The visitor might meet all required criteria for the Temporary Resident Visa or Visa for Canada. However, if the immigration officer doesn’t get the assurance of leaving Canada after the end of the authorized stay, then the application can get canceled. To restrict this situation, the visitor should adequately demonstrate that he will exit at the end of stay. If the confirmation from the visitors’ end is not proper then a Citizenship and Immigration officer will most likely refuse the application.

The necessary steps to follow for applying visitor’s visa are:-

  • Get the application package, read the instructions carefully and submit the complete application form.
  • Application fees must pay in the Canadian dollar
  • Families should have individual applications in one package. The main applicant must submit this whole application package together to the main submission location.

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