All You Need To Know About Hydrotherapy For Dogs
Water has always been a source of calm and peace. Humans thus have been long using hot tub baths for spa and pain relief therapies. While cold water baths are also known for increasing blood circulation. A similar fascination has recently seen a growth in the dog’s healthcare domain as hydrotherapy. In this article, we will try to understand more about it.
What Is Hydrotherapy?
While in human society, hydrotherapy is a popular notion in which activities such as swimming, hot sauna, spas, mineral water bath etc. have been brought into usage for restoring or aiding in certain health conditions, for dogs it has been recently introduced. The idea was adopted first for racehorses to walk in water as they showed signs of pain relief and revival in movement. After it worked successfully on horses, the same was then brought into usage for dogs. Today, professional therapists and veterinaries are suggesting dog hydrotherapy pools to dog owners whose canine suffers from acute pain conditions such as arthritis. These pools are designed to meet the expectations of owners to place them inside their homes and use them accordingly.
Benefits Of Hydrotherapy Treatments
There are more benefits that your dog can have from using hydrotherapy treatments by professionals or at home. Some of the most major include:
- Weight loss
- Muscle spasms
- Arthritis
- Neurological problems
- For Cardiovascular exercises
- Healing
- Helps in reducing swelling
- Reduce inflammation in joints
- Pain relief etc.
Further, dog hydrotherapy pools can also be used by you for helping your dogs learn to swim. These in turn will allow them to cope with fear and rehabilitation in case they have been rescued or have faced a troubling experience. The water therapies are also known for building muscle mass and helping in increasing their stamina.
How To Give Your Dogs Hydrotherapy At Home?
It is not essential to bring your dogs to a certain therapy centre for seeking hydrotherapy. With the large availability of hydrotherapy pools in the market today, you can also provide your dogs with unconditional love and therapy inside your home. These pools are fitted with temperature settings to decrease or increase heat. However, you must get your basics clear and get advice from your vet before starting any treatment yourself. Further, it is important to also keep handy the safety measures such as buoyancy jackets for helping them swim with ease and safety. You also must understand that not every dog loves water nor everyone can adapt to the therapy in one go. Taking slow steps and observing any signs of anxiety or stress must be noted and any activity should be stopped. Approaching a therapist can guide you on how you can help your dog with water exercises.
Hydrotherapy is a good way to help your dog recover and get relief from numerous health conditions. Hydrotherapy pools can help you provide your pooch with required water treatments but with care and proper understanding.