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Surprising Health Benefits Of Ginger


In cold winter weather, we usually want only one, and that is to warm up… An excellent solution is to use Ginger. Although it comes from the tropics, it has excellent warming properties.

In cold winter weather, we usually want only one, and that is to warm up… An excellent solution is to use Ginger. Although it comes from the tropics, it has amazing warming properties.

Ginger’s first mention comes from China and India, where it has become an irreplaceable medicine needed for traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. Over time, it spread to the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and, thanks to sailors, gradually worldwide. In the 13th century, this plant also appeared in Bohemia.

The pink and white flowering plant is not used whole, but only its branched rhizome. The rhizome is yellow with lots of tiny fibers inside. It smells like lemon, stings the tongue, and, as already mentioned, warms up.

Use of Ginger

Ginger is most often used in the form of tea. Pour a quarter of a teaspoon of grated Ginger with a quarter of a liter of hot water and let it infuse. We can taste the drink with lemon, cinnamon, cloves, and honey. Of course, it depends on everyone how strong the tea they choose. However, it should be borne in the brain that a maximum of 4 grams of fresh and 1 gram of dried Ginger is recommended daily. Exceeding the recommended daily dose may cause heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, heart problems, and pregnant women (in the worst case) who may have miscarriages. In precise, as the adage goes: “Even real gently.

Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and relaxes mucus. Therefore, it is suitable for colds, colds, coughs, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, or bronchitis. It also has a positive effect on digestion, bile secretion, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and is effective against stomach upset (during pregnancy, when traveling, during chemotherapy, etc.). According to traditional Chinese medicine, it favorably affects the spleen, stomach, and lungs pathways. 

In Ayurveda medicine, it is recommended for people of the Vata type or problems and diseases of the Váta type (cold limbs, insufficient blood circulation, chills, anorexia.). It also dilutes the blood, so be careful if you are taking medicines to reduce bleeding. Also, be cautious with diabetic problems.

Fresh Ginger can be found in almost every major store or stall with fruit and vegetables. We can also buy dried, candied, pickled, or oil ginger. It is an important part of Indian. It is added as a spice to pastries, goulash, sauces, roast meats, and soups. Ginger lemonade is very well known and famous, Fildena 100 purple pills and Fildena 150 also boosts your love life.

In winter, let’s drink hot ginger tea during the day. It warms us up, strengthens our immunity, protects us from the unpleasant symptoms of colds, and helps us better cope with freezing and gloomy weather.

Ginger contains a variety of substances. In terms of medicinal effects, however, the most interesting are the different types of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, or E) and potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, etc. All these substances have beneficial effects in various difficulties, of which we will probably list the most interesting ones in the following lines.

How to actually use Ginger?

You have a lot of options. It already depends on the form in which you bring it home. Fresh Ginger is available, which allows it to be chewed, for example, but of course, you can also buy a dried or ground variant. Then it can be used, for example, as a spice. It is also possible to regularly drink ginger tea, use squeezed juice (e.g., in combination with honey), but it also exists in the form of capsules or oil.

Another in the ginger family

The ginger family also includes the cardamom (Elettaria cardamom), the so-called cardamom, from which seeds are mainly used. It comes from the rainforests of the Cardamom Mountains on the southwest coast of India. Cardamom increases sexual potency and reduces cold, so it is considered an aphrodisiac. Like Ginger, it suppresses flatulence, eliminates anorexia, nausea, and promotes appetite.

Chewing cardamom seeds also refreshes the breath and prevents the formation of mucus. This massive plant’s seeds are an integral part of Indian curry spice and garam masala and are added to various cakes, sweet dishes, and even sausages. With saffron and vanilla, it is one of the three rarest spices in the world.

Risks of using Ginger

Using Ginger also has its drawbacks, as it can have side effects – for example, it causes digestive problems, heartburn, or palpitations in some people. According to many experts, it should not be consumed by children under two years of age. In addition, it is not suitable for people with a long-term illness or for those who take drugs for the heart or gastric hyperacidity. Pregnant women should then use it only in limited quantities. Nevertheless, it is an excellent remedy.


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