Why Manchester Is Such A Great Business Tourism Destination

Whilst still known largely for its football clubs and musical prowess, Manchester’s status as a leading business tourism destination is now almost as well established. Indeed, the city’s impressive business tourism product and enviable hotel conference centre availability was officially recognised in 2011 when conference industry professionals conferred it the honour of being the ‘Best UK Destination’. Continue reading “Why Manchester Is Such A Great Business Tourism Destination”

Why More Commercial Companies And Business Organisations Are Opting For In-House Id Card Printing Solutions

Most commercial companies and business organisations these days know how beneficial it can be to issue staff members with highly visible forms of identification. Indeed, even modest forms of ID, such as name badges, can be very advantageous in commercial and corporate settings as they encourage a sense of familiarity between colleagues and co-workers and engender a more personable connection between representatives and customers/clients. Continue reading “Why More Commercial Companies And Business Organisations Are Opting For In-House Id Card Printing Solutions”

Work Wherever You May Be

While the idea of working from anywhere might not appeal to everybody, the fact is that we are now living in a 24-hour world – email inboxes and Twitter timelines wait for nobody, so if you’re going to keep up, you’ll need to keep connected. Cloud comparison site will help you in IT and Communications comparison website where you can choose, compare, review, try and buy a range of market leading services.

Continue reading “Work Wherever You May Be”

Choosing A Hotel For A Conference

Hotels make excellent venues for conferences. Their excellent facilities and comfortable amenities mean that every conference venue will feel at home as soon as they step into the venue. The hotel that is chosen to host the conference is very important. It should help delegates get the maximum benefit from the event. Here are some tips for choosing a hotel conference centre: Continue reading “Choosing A Hotel For A Conference”

Mortgage Lending Up In May

Residential property can represent a superb investment, and it seems as though many people in the UK are well aware of this. Figures produced by the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) have revealed that in the three months to June, landlord investment in residential property increased significantly. This may mean there are now more flats to rent in London and elsewhere. Continue reading “Mortgage Lending Up In May”